Weight loss or healthy eating?

I realized today, as I have many times before, that I am not at a healthy weight. Not only this, but I consciously know I am not trying hard enough. I enjoy carbs way too much and I really do not like working out in front of people.

A little over a year ago I lost nearly 60 pounds. I am sad to report nearly 2 years later I have gained all but 15 of those pesky pounds back.

It would be great to attribute it all to  a slower metabolism that was only made worse by my prior weight loss or some cataclysmic event (although grad school is pretty much up there in my overwhelming life events). Unfortunately, it is more than metabolism for me, it is a laziness to get to the gym, or to meal plan and prep. The convenience of having a gym nearby in my apartment complex does not outweigh the nearby Steak n’ Shake that is less than a quarter mile away.

So today I start again, attempting to lose weight, but more importantly to be healthy. To be able to walk without pain and maybe one day even run a 5k. The way I did this before was by calorie counting through Lose It! an by working out in anyway I could. I walked, did Richard Simmons Sweatin’ to the Oldies DVD’s, played tennis against a wall and even went to the gym. Adding a Fitbit was also part of the fun.  This all needs to become part of the routine to make it work.

Today’s biggest dietary success was my veggie dinner with the Hummus Tray from Aldi… love it! I am almost not hungry right now. IMG_20160503_175446.jpg

Today I am at 230.6 pounds. If I could get to 215 by my family vacation in June I would be content, it is about 6 weeks away.  I am hoping to do it the same way I did before, determination and calorie counting.