Who am I, why am I here?

I came to blogging after years and years of not doing it. There are fears that I have about people not understanding me, completely disagreeing with me, or my future self regretting what I put onto the World Wide Web.

So as part of WordPress Blogging University, I have been tasked to answer the questions of who I am and the reason why I am here.

I am 28 years old and about to graduate with my Masters in Organizational Development (OD) from Bowling Green State University . It is an intense program that has taught me, not only the logistical information needed to bring on whole scale change and team interventions, but also about me and my capabilities that I left behind too long ago.

Through the 18-month educational pursuit I was asked to question so many areas of my life that I have not even come close to finding all the answers. Because I have a long way to go, and so much to learn, I felt that I needed to find an outlet for everything I will continue to study, long after the program is gone.  I also know that I have a hard time focusing on one area or topic because I love to learn about everything and anything I can. What this will bring to the blogging world, I am not sure…

One thing I have learned through my self-awareness is that I have a strong need to share with people what I know. I love to connect with people one-on-one and see if I can help them find a new perspective or new resource. This may help as I find more schooling on these areas of OD.

So to truly answer the questions:

Who am I?

I am a soon-to-be graduate who is searching for the best way she can impact the lives of others. I strive to be not only a life-long learner, but sharer and potential educator or confidant for those searching for what they want to do in life. I want to find myself and maybe through my random ramblings I can do that, or give a reader something to think about.

Why am I here?

I am here to share. Sharing is caring, no matter the format. Another reason I will blog is to share my viewpoints on things I may have held back on, and to be confident in those opinions.  Hopefully I will find my niche, but can a niche just be random?

In closing I am here to Just “B” Bri. I encourage everyone to Just “B” something. “B” Present, Mindful, Yourself, Caring, Loving, Encouraging, Learning or any other state you wish in the moment. Do your best to “B”, whatever that may be for you.



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